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Cellar Spider

     There are few things in life that can make a grown man or woman scream and run from a room like a spider.  Spiders are a essential part of our world but living with them in our homes is not mandatory.  

     Some simple things you can do the reduce you chances of finding a spider in your home is reduce or eliminate clutter out side your home.  Little hiding places created by clutter, tall grass and over grown vegetation are prime hiding spots for bugs and hunting spots for spiders. 

Another thing you can do to help make your home less attractive to Spiders is remove their webs.  It takes a lot of energy for a spider to spine a web.  With vigilant web removal spiders will just go somewhere where they can hunt with out being disturbed.  A simple treatment from Simple Green Pest Solutions can solve spider problems around your home and keep them from coming back.

Call now to schedule your treatment!

(518) 401-5395

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