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     You turn on your lights and see little brown and black bugs run for cover.  The cockroach is a nocturnal insect that is well suited to living in our homes.  The embarrassment they cause is the number one complaint of people sharing there homes with 

 these pest but the truth is the food they contaminate and the germs they bring in to your living space far out way the social consequences of harboring these pest with in your home.  Cockroaches shed there skin as they grow.  This cast skin turns to dust and is a major cause of irritation for the millions of people suffering from breathing problems.  Controlling cockroaches has long been a challenge due to their numbers, it is said that if you have one cockroach there are millions. The fact that a single female cockroach lays up to 40 eggs a month wrapped in a protective case called a oothecae which is some times deposited in a hiding place with abundant food for the Nymphs (baby's) when they emerge.  Even with over the counter pest control sprays and bait pucks eliminating or even reducing the number of pest is a challenge,  Here at Simply Green Pest Solutions we use growth regulators and natural and man made baits to effectively reduce their numbers until the problem is solved.  

Call or text today for program details!

(518) 401-5395

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