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When a building gives so much, Protecting it does not have to brake the bank.

         Some of the most beautiful buildings on earth are churches.  Many hand built by there parishioners with both love and devotion, sometimes hundreds of years ago.  Historical building require a higher level of care than most structures, do to both there age and the construction methods used at when they were built.  With such a special building a cookie cutter pest control program will never due.  At Simply Green Pest Solutions we specialize in historical building and there care.  We offer both ongoing pest protection programs and full remediations services to both eliminate a major rodent or pest infestation and remove all contaminates left behind. Returning the space to a health environment it was meant to be.

            With a clear understanding of the needs of churches and the tight budget constraints faced by the people who care for them   We have included some key specialty pest not covered under typical pest programs.  Below you will find some details.

  • Mice

  •  squirrel’s (Specialty pest)

  • Carpenter Ants (specialty pest)

  • Pavement Ants

  • Beetles

  • Cockroaches

  • Bee’s and wasps (limited to 15ft from the ground)

  • Centipedes and millipedes

  • Pill bugs and sow bugs

  • And much more.

Please contact me for a free inspection 


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